So famous people take to Twitter with signs telling terrorists to give back girls they kidnapped. That's supposed to solve something.
People want "bully free zones" and this is supposed to solve something.
And when a politician gives sensible advice, people's heads explode.
That advice: "Grow some balls."
A damn fine sentiment.
I was fat growing up, unathletic and bookish. I wore glasses. In short, I was bully bait.
And I got the standard advice of going to adults and rising above things.
Learning how to kick someone's ass would have helped more. And living in an environment where we don't have "zero tolerance" policies where kids who get picked on get just as punished for hitting their abusers as an aggressor would. Kids need to grow balls because we have, in an effort to avoid lawsuits, told them they cannot defend themselves.
And then comes hashtag activism. Shaming people who sell girls into slavery or burn little boys alive?
It's feel good, do nothingism on the same level of bully free or gun free zones. It makes those of a certain sensibility feel good and leaves blood on the ground.
Want to feel really good? Teach the victims how to fight back.
Grow balls.