Friday, May 1, 2015

Learning the lessons of fighting evil with Sam, Dean and Nick.

Join the debate at PJ Lifestyle about which show is better at teaching how to fight evil, Grimm or Supernatural.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

More articles published at PJ Lifestyles

Life is pretty good when articles getting published sneaks up on me. Here are some more pieces published at PJ Lifestyle.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Where the hell is the Asisi story?

So in the aftermath of Islamic terror attacks, a common and reasonable question is why the greater Muslim community does not speak out against the barbarity.

I'd ask that question today in light of the Paris terror attack except Egypt's President el-Sisi had already given a full-throated call for reform in the Islamic world. 

The media response was crickets and that has to raise the question of why did this go I to the memory hole?

We have the president of a major Muslim nation, a man who deposed the Muslim Brotherhood, calling for reform. This is no small thing to do. This is the nation where the Muslim Brotherhood assassinated Anwar Sadat for making peace with Israel. Mr. el-Sisi already has a target on his back for wresting power from the fanatics. This may well be his declaration of war. 

It's understandable that neither President Obama nor Secretary of State John Kerry made a big deal of this. It was the holidays. Adjusting their schedules would risk missed tee times and could force them to reschedule meetings on how best to attack the new GOP Congress. These are busy men with priorities.

On the other hand, the news cycle for the holidays is slow. You would think the benchwarmers left to read the headlines in these doldrums might look to make a name for themselves by focusing on a major story. 

Plus they would get warm fuzzy bonus points for an opportunity to tsk, tsk "Islamaphobia." 

That's a win-win. 

Yet nothing. 

One has to wonder it it is because el-Sisi was not the Obama-backed horse. In a brilliant display of his "smart diplomacy," which can only honestly be described as soft pedaling America's enemies while betraying our allies, Obama backed the Muslim Brotherhood government. 

Fortunately for the West, the Egyptian people did otherwise. 

So now, highlighting the man who rejected Obamaism now calling for reform in Islam is more than simply a major news story and potential game changer. 

It's a potential embarrassment to the Obama administration. 

We can't have that. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The Truth of Mario Cuomo

In his 1984 speech, Mario Cuomo slipped and gave up the dirty little secret of how the Left disdains American values. Find out how in my latest article for PJ Lifestyles.

Playing to Win

Judd Gregg and Mitch McConnell have each weighed in on what the GOP need to do to succeed with its new majority.

Leader McConnell says the GOP needs to "not be scary," language reminiscent of George W. Bush's declaration that he was a "compassionate conservative." I guess that made Republicans who disagreed with him lacking in compassion. 

More ominously, Sen. Gregg cautions against using budget reconciliation to roll over Democrats much as they did the GOP in the passage of Obamacare. He points out at the backlash that has followed the Democrats since the passage of their signature legislation. 

Unfortunately, it appears the GOP leadership makes the same mistake too many Republican Presidential candidates have made: playing Marquis of Queensbury rules against folks reading from the Saul Alinsky play book. 

Sen. Gregg makes the mistake of thinking that the Onamacare backlash was the process. The real reason is the utter debacle that the law has created in terms of insurance coverage and costs. 

If the law worked, does Sen. Gregg honestly think the public would care about the niceties of its passage?

The real issue is that conservative policies work and Leftist policies fail. The problem conservatives have is a lack of effective spokespeople for their policies and a popular culture whose elites are warriors for the Left. 

So based on this reality, put on the brass knuckles and fight for our policies. 

Be prepared for the tsk-tsk of editorial boards. 

Be prepared to made fun of on SNL.  

Be prepared not to get invited to parties. 

The horror!

Sen. Gregg misses the basic point of Obamacare. It passed. It's law. Obama won and he won because he fought. He didn't bother with niceties. He didn't care about collegiality. 

He cared about winning because, as he's stated, he believes in fundamentally transforming America. 

Our leaders damn well better have that same level to commitment to protecting us from that transformation. 

We are at a gut check moment. This is a time for the GOP leadership to decide I it actually stands for conservative principles or not. 

That means not taking options off the table. That's the kind of amateur hour diplomacy for which we mock Obama in his handling of foreign affairs. 

Then our genius leaders apply the same tactics at home?

Unfortunately, the milquetoast GOP leadership has, with the last budget bill, given us one trillion reasons to think their main concern about Democrats having a better position at the trough instead of the fact that there's so much slop flowing in the first place. 

It's time to fight. 

It's time to win.