I'm an unapologetic conservative. I recognize that someone like Chris Christie is the best we can get in New Jersey. But that doesn't mean I want him as a Republican standard bearer.
More than his weakness on gun rights or gay marriage, it was video of him mouthing off to a guy on the street when it was clear Christie had bodyguards backing him up. It doesn't take much guts to be tough when you have muscle. I'd liked the brash, straight talking Christie. In the end, this guys was just a big talking bully.
He's the Republican version of Bill Clinton. His main policy concern is getting elected and doing what's right for Christie. That's why one of the most dangerous places in the world to be is between Christie and TV cameras if there's an opportunity for him to violate Reagan's 11th Commandment and attack other conservatives like Rand Paul.
Luckily, the thuggish nature of the Governor is showing itself in how his aides shut down traffic to punish a mayor who refused to kiss the ring. School kids were trapped in gridlock. So were emergency vehicles. An elderly woman died.
Even if Christie did not order the action, he fostered the climate. After all, his temper is not simply legend but his trademark. What aide in his right mind would pull that kind of trick if he thought Christie would blow up?
No, this is just how they get business done.
We've seen the Chicago way with Barack Obama. Imagine Christie's Jersey way. Imagine the damage a statist like him could do, especially if he has a GOP House and Senate. Remember that before Obamacare, the biggest entitlement expansion since LBJ came from GWB.
I think conservatives need guts. They need to be willing to fight in the street. Playing the civility game doesn't do much for us.
But we need the right fighter.
Christie ain't it.
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