Tuesday, January 15, 2013

New York's New Gun Law

So a bipartisan hysterical reaction passed today and we're supposed to cheer.  Because legislators did something.  In a bipartisan fashion

That's supposed to be a good thing, right?

As yourself that question every time you strip at the TSA and throw away your sealed bottle of water.  When politicians are proud of themselves for breaking land speed records in limiting the rights of law abiding citizens, hold on to your wallet.  Or, in this case, your magazine.

But why, people ask, would you need more than 7 rounds?

Ask her.

She shoots the intruder 5 times and ran out of bullets.  He was also able drive away.  What if he decided to stick around.  Think he would give mom a chance to reload?

I'm not the best shot in the world.  In California, I'm limited to 10 rounds.  If someone breaks into my house, I'll be happy for them all.

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