I preface this post with the fact that I have not served and have the greatest respect for the men and women who serve in our military.
That said, I think that the administration's decision to allow women into combat units may be a huge mistake.
First of all, it says something about us as a society and I'm not all that sure that it's a good thing. While the liberall media pats the administration on the back, they do not even discuss the fact that for millennia, societies kept their women as far from the battle line as possible. It was considered a mark of civilization.
It's pretty damned arrogant to think that we've "progressed" so far from our benighted ancestors.
After all, they recognized a simple truth. Men and women are different. Women are more important than men when it comes to reproducing. That's a simple biological fact. We're not in any sort of cataclysmic population threat - although the West's population replacement numbers don't bring comfort - but still, placing women on the front lines is of a kind with our society's wasting of all its seed corn, from the financial to the social to the literal seed corn we burn for fairy tale alternative fuels.
It's not the sign of a healthy civilization.
Moreover, it ignores the basic function of the military: to break things and kill people until our opponents surrender. The paramount question that facing our policy makers should be whether it furthers this mission.
The men who enter our military service, in my experience, tend to be throwbacks to a time before the age of insanity our nation plunged into during the Sixties. They say "ma'am." They open a lady's door. Do we honestly think that they will not react differently seeing a woman wounded and endangered on the battlefield than they would a man.
Will we be a better society if we force basic training to indoctrinate chivalry out of them?
Moreover, we are looking at combat operations in the Mideast and against the jihadis. What treatment can we expect for women POWs captured by these enemies? What impact will the mistreatment of female prisoners have on their male compatriots?
And, as noted by KFI AM640 military expert Brian Suits, most of war is boring and that is where the biggest threat to unit cohesion will last. What will we do if a highly trained combat soldier gets pregnant? Do we evacuate her? How does that impact morale? Is the American public ready to see pregnant women killed on the battlefield if we don't evacuate?
The military is not a place for social experimentation and we should not try to fix that which is not broken.
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