Wednesday, February 26, 2014

One color in the rainbow

So gay activists would have us believe they are champions of diversity and tolerance.

That is, unless you disagree them. That kind of diversity they cannot tolerate as we can see from the boycott threats that caused Governor Jan Brewer to veto SB 1062 in Arizona, the bill that would have protected the right of conscience of religious business owners.

Gay activists say that they want tolerance and that's a pretty reasonable desire. I don't think anyone, even those who take the Bible's strictures against homosexual activities seriously, would argue that we should treat homosexuals with any less respect than they would want.

By the same token, you would think gay activists would understand and extend tolerance to those who feel, for religious reasons, that they cannot endorse homosexual behavior.

They don't. It is not enough to live and let live. Gay activists want to literally force you to come to their parties, whether you're a photographer or baker. No matter that celebrating what the Bible clearly  defines as a sin goes against their religious beliefs, if you do not celebrate homosexual relationships, you will be sued.

This is not tolerance. This is not allowing diversity of beliefs.

Gays took the rainbow as their symbol. But in their world, there is only one color.

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