Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Cowardice of Mammon

"No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon." James 6:24

No truer proof of this phrase can be seen than in Arizona Governor Jan Brewer's veto of SB 1062. This came after a howl of protest and boycott threats to the state, including the potential loss of the Super Bowl.

Business will always look out for business. The bottom line is what matters. That's one of the things that makes capitalism work, enlightened self-interest. But sometimes self-interest in one area, profits, trumps the public interest, freedom of religion.

This  is the reason that conservatives and libertarians should not reflexively treat business interests as natural allies. We may occasionally have mutual interests but often do not.

Think of the big government bailouts of banking or car companies.  No conservative can easily stomach the use of taxpayer funds to so blatantly interfere in the free market.

Think of amnesty proposals or the desire to flood the market with H-1B visas. Business interests want cheap labor no matter the consequences for American workers or what an influx of millions of voters who favor the expansion of Big Government will do to our political and social life.

And now think of betraying an effort to protect the religious liberty of Christians in an effort to stave off the threat of boycotts.

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