Kevin Williamson has a pretty positive take on the people staring down the Federal government in the Bundy Ranch dispute. His money line: "But not all dissidents are content to submit to what we, in the Age of Obama, still insist on quaintly calling “the rule of law.” Bundy's critics would point out that he failed to follow the rule of law.
The more fundamentally frightening thing is that the rule of law is quaint. President Obama has unilaterally abrogated his own signature law dozens of times when his policies became politically inexpedient. In order to woo Hispanics, he stops deportations and enacts his own DREAM Act by fiat. It would be like Judge Dredd ("He is the law) except for the fact Judge Dredd wouldn't have tried to appoint Mumia's lawyer to the Justice Department.
And when the Executive ignores the law, what happens? A supine Congress does nothing, thinking of the day their guy will get his turn at being emperor. The Supreme Court says citizens have no standing to challenge such political questions; unless, of course, the political question at hand gives the Court a chance to slap down quarrelsome traditional Christians.
The President brags of having a phone and pen in ignoring the people. He should not be surprised when we brag about our guns.
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