Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Free speech upheld

The First Amendment states that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Unfortunately, a significant portion of our political class, from both sides of the aisle, thing "shall make no law" means that the right to petition the government means doing so within limits the government - conveniently - sets.

The Supreme Court says differently.  Today aggregate spending limits got struck down, just as the Court expanded freedom in Citizens United.

I can get liberals freaking out about this. They think choice only counts when it comes to killing babies or other "rights" found using a magic decoder ring to interpret the Constitution. When it comes to the actual text of the document - say gun rights or political speech - then all of a sudden, the magic decoder ring reads text away.

But then again, John McCain is also sad that the Court read the First Amendment to read what the First Amendment says, rather than what he wants it so say.  Still, this shouldn't be surprising.  He also thinks the Constitution should tell the damn kids to stay off the lawn.

It's not surprising that those in political power want theirs and don't want others to make a statement. It's not surprising that those in political power abdicate their Constitutional responsibility and ptotect our rights. George W. Bush jumped the shark for me when he signed McCain-Feingold while acknowledging it was unconstitutional.

What was refreshing was a decision restoring our liberty. While it saddens me that our Republic has degenerated to the point that we must be thankful for the crumbs of freedom we get from the Court, I'll take what we can get for now.

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