As a new year dawns, it's time to reflect on the changes that come. It's a time of resolution, of self-improvement.
So I ask to you, what is your favorite New Year's resolution, whether or not you kept it or not?
A big page for an author with a big mouth. I'm not trying to start anything. I'm just saying.
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Scalise and Republican Stones
As everyone knows, Republican Steve Scalise may have spoken to a group of white nationalists over a decade ago I say may because it looks like he didn't actually attend the conference, despite the pillorying he has undergone in the media.
Whether GOP leadership knew of the weakness of the report or not, the fact that Boehner et. al did not throw Scalise to the wolves is refreshing.
Normally in this sort of situation, the word "racism" is thrown around and a near religious ritual ensues. Fellow Republicans denounce the potential offender and begin ritual self-flagellation. More often than not, the potential offender is let to die on the ice flow.
Perhaps victory has emboldened our leadership. Perhaps they recognize that the calls of racism, having been so overused in the past, have lost their sting.
What needs to happen now is the punch back.
Scalise spoke stupidly once?
Point out that Al Sharpton - the man who's calls of "white interloper" got a man killed - has been to the White House 61 times under President Obama's reign.
Point out that the "Democratic Conscience of the Senate"- Robert Byrd - was actually in the Klan.
Point out that the "Democratic Lion of the Senate" - Ted Kennedy - let a woman drown.
Point out that Charles Rangel is still serving despite his tax evasion.
In other words, when asked about Scalise, pull an Obama and refuse to answer the mediua's question.
Answer the basic GOP question: What the hell are these Democrats doing?
Whether GOP leadership knew of the weakness of the report or not, the fact that Boehner et. al did not throw Scalise to the wolves is refreshing.
Normally in this sort of situation, the word "racism" is thrown around and a near religious ritual ensues. Fellow Republicans denounce the potential offender and begin ritual self-flagellation. More often than not, the potential offender is let to die on the ice flow.
Perhaps victory has emboldened our leadership. Perhaps they recognize that the calls of racism, having been so overused in the past, have lost their sting.
What needs to happen now is the punch back.
Scalise spoke stupidly once?
Point out that Al Sharpton - the man who's calls of "white interloper" got a man killed - has been to the White House 61 times under President Obama's reign.
Point out that the "Democratic Conscience of the Senate"- Robert Byrd - was actually in the Klan.
Point out that the "Democratic Lion of the Senate" - Ted Kennedy - let a woman drown.
Point out that Charles Rangel is still serving despite his tax evasion.
In other words, when asked about Scalise, pull an Obama and refuse to answer the mediua's question.
Answer the basic GOP question: What the hell are these Democrats doing?
Another piece with PJ Lifestyles
See my latest article here.
Monday, December 22, 2014
Just published in PJ Media
So folks, I had my first paying gig as writer with PJ Media with their PJ Lifestyles section. The topic was Sony and their surrender to the North Korean hackers.
Check out this article and many other fines articles on PJ Media and PJ Lifestyles.
Check out this article and many other fines articles on PJ Media and PJ Lifestyles.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Bullying and hashtag activism, from a bullied kid's
So famous people take to Twitter with signs telling terrorists to give back girls they kidnapped. That's supposed to solve something.
People want "bully free zones" and this is supposed to solve something.
And when a politician gives sensible advice, people's heads explode.
That advice: "Grow some balls."
A damn fine sentiment.
I was fat growing up, unathletic and bookish. I wore glasses. In short, I was bully bait.
And I got the standard advice of going to adults and rising above things.
Learning how to kick someone's ass would have helped more. And living in an environment where we don't have "zero tolerance" policies where kids who get picked on get just as punished for hitting their abusers as an aggressor would. Kids need to grow balls because we have, in an effort to avoid lawsuits, told them they cannot defend themselves.
And then comes hashtag activism. Shaming people who sell girls into slavery or burn little boys alive?
It's feel good, do nothingism on the same level of bully free or gun free zones. It makes those of a certain sensibility feel good and leaves blood on the ground.
Want to feel really good? Teach the victims how to fight back.
Grow balls.
People want "bully free zones" and this is supposed to solve something.
And when a politician gives sensible advice, people's heads explode.
That advice: "Grow some balls."
A damn fine sentiment.
I was fat growing up, unathletic and bookish. I wore glasses. In short, I was bully bait.
And I got the standard advice of going to adults and rising above things.
Learning how to kick someone's ass would have helped more. And living in an environment where we don't have "zero tolerance" policies where kids who get picked on get just as punished for hitting their abusers as an aggressor would. Kids need to grow balls because we have, in an effort to avoid lawsuits, told them they cannot defend themselves.
And then comes hashtag activism. Shaming people who sell girls into slavery or burn little boys alive?
It's feel good, do nothingism on the same level of bully free or gun free zones. It makes those of a certain sensibility feel good and leaves blood on the ground.
Want to feel really good? Teach the victims how to fight back.
Grow balls.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Cliven Bundy is a racist jackass but government is still too powertful
Keep saying that statement to yourselves. Because, apparently Cliven Bundy is a racist jackass.
Funny how the media is willing to make headlines out of this revelation. But the sight of government agents slaughtering his cattle to make room for a turtle that the government kills at its convenience was treated as a sideshow.
Also funny how the media is cool with a President who pals around with terrorist Bill Ayers. Or has a pastor whose sermons include such gems as "God Damn America" and the U.S. government using the AIDS epidemic as genocide against blacks.
This man got elected president. And his own press secretary admits John Stewart was his hardest interview.
So condemn Bundy, as he should be.
But don't pretend it tars pro freedom individuals until you are willing to hold the President responsible for the racist views of his supporters/
Funny how the media is willing to make headlines out of this revelation. But the sight of government agents slaughtering his cattle to make room for a turtle that the government kills at its convenience was treated as a sideshow.
Also funny how the media is cool with a President who pals around with terrorist Bill Ayers. Or has a pastor whose sermons include such gems as "God Damn America" and the U.S. government using the AIDS epidemic as genocide against blacks.
This man got elected president. And his own press secretary admits John Stewart was his hardest interview.
So condemn Bundy, as he should be.
But don't pretend it tars pro freedom individuals until you are willing to hold the President responsible for the racist views of his supporters/
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
A Little Bit of Rebellion
Kevin Williamson has a pretty positive take on the people staring down the Federal government in the Bundy Ranch dispute. His money line: "But not all dissidents are content to submit to what we, in the Age of Obama, still insist on quaintly calling “the rule of law.” Bundy's critics would point out that he failed to follow the rule of law.
The more fundamentally frightening thing is that the rule of law is quaint. President Obama has unilaterally abrogated his own signature law dozens of times when his policies became politically inexpedient. In order to woo Hispanics, he stops deportations and enacts his own DREAM Act by fiat. It would be like Judge Dredd ("He is the law) except for the fact Judge Dredd wouldn't have tried to appoint Mumia's lawyer to the Justice Department.
And when the Executive ignores the law, what happens? A supine Congress does nothing, thinking of the day their guy will get his turn at being emperor. The Supreme Court says citizens have no standing to challenge such political questions; unless, of course, the political question at hand gives the Court a chance to slap down quarrelsome traditional Christians.
The President brags of having a phone and pen in ignoring the people. He should not be surprised when we brag about our guns.
The more fundamentally frightening thing is that the rule of law is quaint. President Obama has unilaterally abrogated his own signature law dozens of times when his policies became politically inexpedient. In order to woo Hispanics, he stops deportations and enacts his own DREAM Act by fiat. It would be like Judge Dredd ("He is the law) except for the fact Judge Dredd wouldn't have tried to appoint Mumia's lawyer to the Justice Department.
And when the Executive ignores the law, what happens? A supine Congress does nothing, thinking of the day their guy will get his turn at being emperor. The Supreme Court says citizens have no standing to challenge such political questions; unless, of course, the political question at hand gives the Court a chance to slap down quarrelsome traditional Christians.
The President brags of having a phone and pen in ignoring the people. He should not be surprised when we brag about our guns.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Captain America and conservatism - SPOILER ALERT -
Armond White at National Review Online condemns the Captain America: Winter Soldier as a piece of leftist propaganda.
He is wrong. Or at least I hope he is.
If not, then conservatism means supporting an unaccountable government that declares itself to have the power to target anyone who might be a threat and eliminate them without even a by your leave. This would, as the movie indicates, include Americans on American soil.
The basic plot of the movie is that SHIELD, a security agency dedicated to protecting the world from superhuman and extraterrestrial threats, is preparing to launch a trio of massive hover ships with the capability of killing anyone on earth. The idea is to kill threats before they happen.
Hmmm. Who does this sound like? Perhaps a certain President who has claimed this power for himself, as well as getting to ignore pesky things like Congress when it's convenient.
He has a pen. And a phone. And, if Armond White had his way, he would also have three unassailable airships which could target any critic, foreign or domestic.
This is not the notion of the imperial president. It is a god king. Perhaps White sees 300: Rise of an Empire as Heyek on celluloid?
According to White more proof of the film's subversive leanings is that "[a]s Rogers [Captain America] takes his daily superhuman run around the basin of Washington, D.C., he introduces himself to another morning runner (and us) with the repeated look-out phrase 'On your left . . .'"
Yes. That is definitive.
The movie also sins in that Nick Fury and the heroes upload SHIELD's secrets to the internet.
Again, conservatism means that when a government agency acts illegally, and is also thoroughly infiltrated by fascist's bent on world domination, we keep it quiet.
What a monster the IRS Inspector General must have been to reveal targeting of conservatives!
The security state caucus of the conservative movement is a terrifying thing. Rather than a small, accountable government, they want Leviathan on steroids.
It is not conservatism.
He is wrong. Or at least I hope he is.
If not, then conservatism means supporting an unaccountable government that declares itself to have the power to target anyone who might be a threat and eliminate them without even a by your leave. This would, as the movie indicates, include Americans on American soil.
The basic plot of the movie is that SHIELD, a security agency dedicated to protecting the world from superhuman and extraterrestrial threats, is preparing to launch a trio of massive hover ships with the capability of killing anyone on earth. The idea is to kill threats before they happen.
Hmmm. Who does this sound like? Perhaps a certain President who has claimed this power for himself, as well as getting to ignore pesky things like Congress when it's convenient.
He has a pen. And a phone. And, if Armond White had his way, he would also have three unassailable airships which could target any critic, foreign or domestic.
This is not the notion of the imperial president. It is a god king. Perhaps White sees 300: Rise of an Empire as Heyek on celluloid?
According to White more proof of the film's subversive leanings is that "[a]s Rogers [Captain America] takes his daily superhuman run around the basin of Washington, D.C., he introduces himself to another morning runner (and us) with the repeated look-out phrase 'On your left . . .'"
Yes. That is definitive.
The movie also sins in that Nick Fury and the heroes upload SHIELD's secrets to the internet.
Again, conservatism means that when a government agency acts illegally, and is also thoroughly infiltrated by fascist's bent on world domination, we keep it quiet.
What a monster the IRS Inspector General must have been to reveal targeting of conservatives!
The security state caucus of the conservative movement is a terrifying thing. Rather than a small, accountable government, they want Leviathan on steroids.
It is not conservatism.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Fort Hood shooting
My prayers go out to the victims at Fort Hood and their families tonight.
Foaming mouth brigade on both sides, shut your damn mouths and let people grieve tonight.
Foaming mouth brigade on both sides, shut your damn mouths and let people grieve tonight.
Free speech upheld
The First Amendment states that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to
assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
Unfortunately, a significant portion of our political class, from both sides of the aisle, thing "shall make no law" means that the right to petition the government means doing so within limits the government - conveniently - sets.
The Supreme Court says differently. Today aggregate spending limits got struck down, just as the Court expanded freedom in Citizens United.
I can get liberals freaking out about this. They think choice only counts when it comes to killing babies or other "rights" found using a magic decoder ring to interpret the Constitution. When it comes to the actual text of the document - say gun rights or political speech - then all of a sudden, the magic decoder ring reads text away.
But then again, John McCain is also sad that the Court read the First Amendment to read what the First Amendment says, rather than what he wants it so say. Still, this shouldn't be surprising. He also thinks the Constitution should tell the damn kids to stay off the lawn.
It's not surprising that those in political power want theirs and don't want others to make a statement. It's not surprising that those in political power abdicate their Constitutional responsibility and ptotect our rights. George W. Bush jumped the shark for me when he signed McCain-Feingold while acknowledging it was unconstitutional.
What was refreshing was a decision restoring our liberty. While it saddens me that our Republic has degenerated to the point that we must be thankful for the crumbs of freedom we get from the Court, I'll take what we can get for now.
Unfortunately, a significant portion of our political class, from both sides of the aisle, thing "shall make no law" means that the right to petition the government means doing so within limits the government - conveniently - sets.
The Supreme Court says differently. Today aggregate spending limits got struck down, just as the Court expanded freedom in Citizens United.
I can get liberals freaking out about this. They think choice only counts when it comes to killing babies or other "rights" found using a magic decoder ring to interpret the Constitution. When it comes to the actual text of the document - say gun rights or political speech - then all of a sudden, the magic decoder ring reads text away.
But then again, John McCain is also sad that the Court read the First Amendment to read what the First Amendment says, rather than what he wants it so say. Still, this shouldn't be surprising. He also thinks the Constitution should tell the damn kids to stay off the lawn.
It's not surprising that those in political power want theirs and don't want others to make a statement. It's not surprising that those in political power abdicate their Constitutional responsibility and ptotect our rights. George W. Bush jumped the shark for me when he signed McCain-Feingold while acknowledging it was unconstitutional.
What was refreshing was a decision restoring our liberty. While it saddens me that our Republic has degenerated to the point that we must be thankful for the crumbs of freedom we get from the Court, I'll take what we can get for now.
Sunday, March 30, 2014
House of Cards
So I've just started watching House of Cards and aside from how good the show is, I'm amazed by something.
They're Democrats.
Lying, whoring, coke snorting Democrats.
I don't know Kevin Spacey's politics but his business sense is keen. Liberals will watch the show because the main characters are fight for liberal causes. So there's no need to take gratuitous swipes at the half of the country who voted for Romney.
Of course, there's still time for some evil Republicans to make an appearance.
They're Democrats.
Lying, whoring, coke snorting Democrats.
I don't know Kevin Spacey's politics but his business sense is keen. Liberals will watch the show because the main characters are fight for liberal causes. So there's no need to take gratuitous swipes at the half of the country who voted for Romney.
Of course, there's still time for some evil Republicans to make an appearance.
Walking Dead Season Finale - Spoiler Alert
So aside from the fact that Rick's last line at the end was pretty damn cheesy, the episode was great. I think everyone knew Terminus was something bad but the question is how bad now.
I'm thinking cannibals.
Your thoughts?
I'm thinking cannibals.
Your thoughts?
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Remember when global warming was supposed to create worse storm seasons?
But only it didn't?
Now wait for the high priests of the Church of Warming to declare new omens after casting the bones, err, consulting the climate models. After all, when warming is blamed for snow in winter, there can be no disproving the True Faith!
Now wait for the high priests of the Church of Warming to declare new omens after casting the bones, err, consulting the climate models. After all, when warming is blamed for snow in winter, there can be no disproving the True Faith!
Walking its own path
The Walking Dead is not following the storyline of the comic.
I didn't know that but I like it. That's the kind of thing that makes me, a fan of the show and avid reader, want to read the graphic novels.
I think this kind of synergy is great for authors. In creating an alternate universe, the show is entertaining for the reader and avoids becoming boring. The same holds true for the viewers who picks up the graphic novels.
And let's be honest. It has to be a blast for the author.
This is an interesting age for content creators. Cheap publishing and video distribution allows content creators to get their works out in as many ways as they can think of, in as many paths as they can think of.
Coming soon: director's cuts of books.
I didn't know that but I like it. That's the kind of thing that makes me, a fan of the show and avid reader, want to read the graphic novels.
I think this kind of synergy is great for authors. In creating an alternate universe, the show is entertaining for the reader and avoids becoming boring. The same holds true for the viewers who picks up the graphic novels.
And let's be honest. It has to be a blast for the author.
This is an interesting age for content creators. Cheap publishing and video distribution allows content creators to get their works out in as many ways as they can think of, in as many paths as they can think of.
Coming soon: director's cuts of books.
Two states are allowed to ask voters for ID when voting.
That this is news should be troubling. We ask for ID to cash checks, get on airplanes or use credit cards.
Is voting any less important than these activities? Is the accurate outcome of an election any less important than credit card fraud?
The people who want us to believe that are either liars or fools.
In no way should they hold power.
That this is news should be troubling. We ask for ID to cash checks, get on airplanes or use credit cards.
Is voting any less important than these activities? Is the accurate outcome of an election any less important than credit card fraud?
The people who want us to believe that are either liars or fools.
In no way should they hold power.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Frozen logic
A radio host has called the Disney movie Frozen homosexual propaganda.This is the sort of thing that makes conservative Christians look stupid.
First of all, the movie doesn't show anything untoward between the main characters, sisters.
More importantly, the movie is actually pro family. SPOILER ALERT!
In having one of the sisters getting ready to marry after only a day - shades of Britney Spears - and showing the disaster that follows when she splits her family over the issue, the movie actually underscores the importance with which marriage should be treated. Like The Incredibles,the message can actually be slyly subversive and conservative.
First of all, the movie doesn't show anything untoward between the main characters, sisters.
More importantly, the movie is actually pro family. SPOILER ALERT!
In having one of the sisters getting ready to marry after only a day - shades of Britney Spears - and showing the disaster that follows when she splits her family over the issue, the movie actually underscores the importance with which marriage should be treated. Like The Incredibles,the message can actually be slyly subversive and conservative.
Hahahaha; or, Dianne Feinsten is a giant hypocrite
Diane Feinsten (D), Senator from California, has been a defender of the CIA's massive surveillance of American citizens. She has cited the need to protect us from threats, ignoring the fact the program has not been shown to have done that and ignoring the fact that when we new the Tsarnaev brothers were a threat, they slid under the radar.
But when the CIA spies on her? Oh, the high dudgeon comes out.
We live in a dangerous age, when obedience to the law is for little people but its protections belong to our rulers.
But when the CIA spies on her? Oh, the high dudgeon comes out.
We live in a dangerous age, when obedience to the law is for little people but its protections belong to our rulers.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Public service
I don't usually have much nice to say about the GOP leadership because they tend to be happy playing defense against liberals, so long as it means they get a place at the trough.
But this time, Mitch McConnell showed actual leadership and courage, killing the Obama nomination of Debo Adegbile by inspiring seven Democrats to break ranks. Adegbile assisted in the defense of Mumia Abu Jamal, a notorious cop killer.
Imagine if Bush had nominated an attorney who defended James Earl Ray.
People like to respond with the pious notion that everyone deserves a defense and an attorney shouldn't be held to endorse the view of his clients. Thus, we shouldn't have taken any notice when Obama appointed individuals who defended terrorists, even planting one as high as the number three in charge of the Justice Department.
Except it's a load of crap. A lawyer decides whose case he takes. I run my own office and have a strict "no evil client" policy.
People might be entitled to a defense but they are not entitled to an individual attorney.
That attorney made a choice. And Adegbile chose to defend a cop killer, injecting race into the situation.
The Senate wisely chose to reject him.
But this time, Mitch McConnell showed actual leadership and courage, killing the Obama nomination of Debo Adegbile by inspiring seven Democrats to break ranks. Adegbile assisted in the defense of Mumia Abu Jamal, a notorious cop killer.
Imagine if Bush had nominated an attorney who defended James Earl Ray.
People like to respond with the pious notion that everyone deserves a defense and an attorney shouldn't be held to endorse the view of his clients. Thus, we shouldn't have taken any notice when Obama appointed individuals who defended terrorists, even planting one as high as the number three in charge of the Justice Department.
Except it's a load of crap. A lawyer decides whose case he takes. I run my own office and have a strict "no evil client" policy.
People might be entitled to a defense but they are not entitled to an individual attorney.
That attorney made a choice. And Adegbile chose to defend a cop killer, injecting race into the situation.
The Senate wisely chose to reject him.
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Out of the shadows
So the Democrats that want 11 million new voters and the business's interests that want cheap labor tell us that the millions of illegals just want to step out of the shadows and live normal lives.
Their love of America is so vast and deeply felt that they cheer for Mexico vs the US in the Gold Cup. They carry Mexican flags when demanding rights from our government.
Ignore for a moment the absurdity of the notion that the courts deem children in school to have the right to free contraceptives and detailed courses in sex ed but can't express their love of our nation. Ignore for a moment that school administrators are tacitly admitting they've lost functional control of their schools and must surrender to the threat of violence.
Just think. If our political elites have their way this is our next generation of voters. But hey, at least the Chamber of Commerce types won't have to mow their lawns and pay teenagers minimum wage to wash dishes.
Bienvenidos a Mexico del Norte
Because those golf balls won't hit themselves
Russia invades Crimea. Obama skips national security team meeting.
Hopefully he was reading Command Authority. We need Jack Ryan, not Jimmy Carter, in the White House right now.
Hopefully he was reading Command Authority. We need Jack Ryan, not Jimmy Carter, in the White House right now.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Birthday reflections
I had a birthday yesterday and it gave me an excellent time to reflect on how much changed in a year.
My work was the same but I had more to work for. I had an amazing day, thanks to the beautiful Liz Homsher. For someone to plan such an awesome night - sushi which I love but she hates, Robocop which she had no desire to see - is the sign of something, someone special.
A lot changed in a year but it was for the good.
My work was the same but I had more to work for. I had an amazing day, thanks to the beautiful Liz Homsher. For someone to plan such an awesome night - sushi which I love but she hates, Robocop which she had no desire to see - is the sign of something, someone special.
A lot changed in a year but it was for the good.
Another example of free content paying dividends
Yes, I'm self interested in pointing out why it's a good idea for content creators to give away free material. I could never afford to read everything I do, since I go through about two books a week. So I live off of libraries.
But it pays dividends for good authors. Take Jonathan Maberry with his Rot and Ruin series. I read most from the library but bought a Kindle copy of the last book, Fire and Ash. I also bought hard copies to get signed.
And I just checked out Rot and Ruin from the library for my nephew. If he likes it, I will buy him the set.
That's five confirmed sales with another four potential, all off of free content.
But it pays dividends for good authors. Take Jonathan Maberry with his Rot and Ruin series. I read most from the library but bought a Kindle copy of the last book, Fire and Ash. I also bought hard copies to get signed.
And I just checked out Rot and Ruin from the library for my nephew. If he likes it, I will buy him the set.
That's five confirmed sales with another four potential, all off of free content.
The Cowardice of Mammon
"No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love
the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye
cannot serve God and mammon." James 6:24
No truer proof of this phrase can be seen than in Arizona Governor Jan Brewer's veto of SB 1062. This came after a howl of protest and boycott threats to the state, including the potential loss of the Super Bowl.
Business will always look out for business. The bottom line is what matters. That's one of the things that makes capitalism work, enlightened self-interest. But sometimes self-interest in one area, profits, trumps the public interest, freedom of religion.
This is the reason that conservatives and libertarians should not reflexively treat business interests as natural allies. We may occasionally have mutual interests but often do not.
Think of the big government bailouts of banking or car companies. No conservative can easily stomach the use of taxpayer funds to so blatantly interfere in the free market.
Think of amnesty proposals or the desire to flood the market with H-1B visas. Business interests want cheap labor no matter the consequences for American workers or what an influx of millions of voters who favor the expansion of Big Government will do to our political and social life.
And now think of betraying an effort to protect the religious liberty of Christians in an effort to stave off the threat of boycotts.
No truer proof of this phrase can be seen than in Arizona Governor Jan Brewer's veto of SB 1062. This came after a howl of protest and boycott threats to the state, including the potential loss of the Super Bowl.
Business will always look out for business. The bottom line is what matters. That's one of the things that makes capitalism work, enlightened self-interest. But sometimes self-interest in one area, profits, trumps the public interest, freedom of religion.
This is the reason that conservatives and libertarians should not reflexively treat business interests as natural allies. We may occasionally have mutual interests but often do not.
Think of the big government bailouts of banking or car companies. No conservative can easily stomach the use of taxpayer funds to so blatantly interfere in the free market.
Think of amnesty proposals or the desire to flood the market with H-1B visas. Business interests want cheap labor no matter the consequences for American workers or what an influx of millions of voters who favor the expansion of Big Government will do to our political and social life.
And now think of betraying an effort to protect the religious liberty of Christians in an effort to stave off the threat of boycotts.
One color in the rainbow
So gay activists would have us believe they are champions of diversity and tolerance.
That is, unless you disagree them. That kind of diversity they cannot tolerate as we can see from the boycott threats that caused Governor Jan Brewer to veto SB 1062 in Arizona, the bill that would have protected the right of conscience of religious business owners.
Gay activists say that they want tolerance and that's a pretty reasonable desire. I don't think anyone, even those who take the Bible's strictures against homosexual activities seriously, would argue that we should treat homosexuals with any less respect than they would want.
By the same token, you would think gay activists would understand and extend tolerance to those who feel, for religious reasons, that they cannot endorse homosexual behavior.
They don't. It is not enough to live and let live. Gay activists want to literally force you to come to their parties, whether you're a photographer or baker. No matter that celebrating what the Bible clearly defines as a sin goes against their religious beliefs, if you do not celebrate homosexual relationships, you will be sued.
This is not tolerance. This is not allowing diversity of beliefs.
Gays took the rainbow as their symbol. But in their world, there is only one color.
That is, unless you disagree them. That kind of diversity they cannot tolerate as we can see from the boycott threats that caused Governor Jan Brewer to veto SB 1062 in Arizona, the bill that would have protected the right of conscience of religious business owners.
Gay activists say that they want tolerance and that's a pretty reasonable desire. I don't think anyone, even those who take the Bible's strictures against homosexual activities seriously, would argue that we should treat homosexuals with any less respect than they would want.
By the same token, you would think gay activists would understand and extend tolerance to those who feel, for religious reasons, that they cannot endorse homosexual behavior.
They don't. It is not enough to live and let live. Gay activists want to literally force you to come to their parties, whether you're a photographer or baker. No matter that celebrating what the Bible clearly defines as a sin goes against their religious beliefs, if you do not celebrate homosexual relationships, you will be sued.
This is not tolerance. This is not allowing diversity of beliefs.
Gays took the rainbow as their symbol. But in their world, there is only one color.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
The value of free content
I'm reading To Sail A Darkling Sea by John Ringo right now.
So far, awesome book.
And a testament to the profitability of free content.
I've read most of John Ringo's books from the library. But when I went to Jamaica, I bought Under a Graveyard Sky because I liked what I got from the library and the new book sounded awesome.
I've gotten To Sail A Darkling Sea from the library, so some might argue the point. But it was on my birthday wishlist. And if John Ringo comes to town, I'm buying hardcopy to get signed. So I will have bought three copies of two books.
Not bad for hooking me with the first taste for free.
So far, awesome book.
And a testament to the profitability of free content.
I've read most of John Ringo's books from the library. But when I went to Jamaica, I bought Under a Graveyard Sky because I liked what I got from the library and the new book sounded awesome.
I've gotten To Sail A Darkling Sea from the library, so some might argue the point. But it was on my birthday wishlist. And if John Ringo comes to town, I'm buying hardcopy to get signed. So I will have bought three copies of two books.
Not bad for hooking me with the first taste for free.
Does a Washington Post icon have an excuse for writing a column completely devoid of facts?
Facts are tricky things. I mean, they're actually right or wrong. That's intimidating.
So if I were E.J. Dionne of the Washington Post, I'd maybe have an intern or two do some fact checking before I hit send on a column.
Mr. Dionne is currently calling to repeal stand your ground law based on the George Zimmerman and the Michael Dunn case.
Small problem. SYG had nothing to do with either case.
So either Mr. Dionne is lazy or intellectually dishonest.
Or maybe both.
So if I were E.J. Dionne of the Washington Post, I'd maybe have an intern or two do some fact checking before I hit send on a column.
Mr. Dionne is currently calling to repeal stand your ground law based on the George Zimmerman and the Michael Dunn case.
Small problem. SYG had nothing to do with either case.
So either Mr. Dionne is lazy or intellectually dishonest.
Or maybe both.
USA takes another step towards banana republic status
Per Mediaite (I'd link to the Wall Street Journal piece but it's behind a paywall) the FCC wants to put monitors in the newsroom to study these issues:
I'm sure the idea, as proposed on paper, is to gather important information for a great study that will cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars and will hopefully be put in a file cabinet a la Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Or not.
For broadcast media, an FCC license is life. Losing it is a death sentence.
So what happens if the government decides it doesn't like who decides the content of stories or what the content is?
Ask the conservatives audited by the IRS.
We are witnessing the weaponizing of the federal bureaucracy. Citizens in Ukraine are rising up against that.
What are we doing?
- What is the news philosophy of the station?
- How do you define critical information that the community needs?
- Who decides which stories are covered?
- Have you ever suggested coverage of what you consider a story with critical information for your customers (viewers, listeners, readers) that was rejected by management
I'm sure the idea, as proposed on paper, is to gather important information for a great study that will cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars and will hopefully be put in a file cabinet a la Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Or not.
For broadcast media, an FCC license is life. Losing it is a death sentence.
So what happens if the government decides it doesn't like who decides the content of stories or what the content is?
Ask the conservatives audited by the IRS.
We are witnessing the weaponizing of the federal bureaucracy. Citizens in Ukraine are rising up against that.
What are we doing?
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
The Killing
Been binge viewing The Killing and it's pretty good. The first two seasons follow a single case and have some interesting twists and turns. I don't want to put out any spoilers but it will keep you guessing.
Season three is underway on our Netflix and I hope it keeps up the qualitry.
Season three is underway on our Netflix and I hope it keeps up the qualitry.
Stupidity or strategy?
Phyllis Schlafly, via National Review, explains why amnesty is a loser for conservatives. Note that I don't say GOP or GOP leadership because, unfortunately, these are becoming two very different things.
Her thesis is simple. The tsunami of illegal immigration we have suffered has come from countries where the culture accepts, and even demands, bigger government. We would simply be importing liberal voters.
Democrats realize this. Do you honestly think they would be championing amnesty if they thought we were legalizing at least 11 million new conservatives? Of course not. Although conservatives such as Michael Medved claim that the purportedly conservative social values of the amnestied will have them lean Republican, there is little empirical evidence to support the notion this will outweigh the desire to have bigger government.
Indeed, one should look at the Catholic Church, another mover behind amnesty, and notice that its anti-abortion but very liberal in economic policy. The Pope's current "economic analysis" shows that we are only in for more on that front. And, it should be noted, that the Pope formulated his distrust for private enterprise in Argentina.
So why would the GOP go for this?
Follow the money. Regularizing millions of low skilled laborers depresses wages. Increasing H1-B visas for technically skilled laborers serves the same purpose. The GOP leadership class lives in a world where they don't cut their own grass, wash their own dishes. So they sympathize with the notion of bringing in millions of liberal voters to get their hands dirty.
That leads to the dirtiest secret of all. The GOP leadership is happy with their place at the trough. Bigger government means more favors to dole out to their own allies and cushy lobbying jobs upon retirement.
It was once said if you don't like the election resutls, replace the electorate.
The GOP leadership looks ready to do just that.
Her thesis is simple. The tsunami of illegal immigration we have suffered has come from countries where the culture accepts, and even demands, bigger government. We would simply be importing liberal voters.
Democrats realize this. Do you honestly think they would be championing amnesty if they thought we were legalizing at least 11 million new conservatives? Of course not. Although conservatives such as Michael Medved claim that the purportedly conservative social values of the amnestied will have them lean Republican, there is little empirical evidence to support the notion this will outweigh the desire to have bigger government.
Indeed, one should look at the Catholic Church, another mover behind amnesty, and notice that its anti-abortion but very liberal in economic policy. The Pope's current "economic analysis" shows that we are only in for more on that front. And, it should be noted, that the Pope formulated his distrust for private enterprise in Argentina.
So why would the GOP go for this?
Follow the money. Regularizing millions of low skilled laborers depresses wages. Increasing H1-B visas for technically skilled laborers serves the same purpose. The GOP leadership class lives in a world where they don't cut their own grass, wash their own dishes. So they sympathize with the notion of bringing in millions of liberal voters to get their hands dirty.
That leads to the dirtiest secret of all. The GOP leadership is happy with their place at the trough. Bigger government means more favors to dole out to their own allies and cushy lobbying jobs upon retirement.
It was once said if you don't like the election resutls, replace the electorate.
The GOP leadership looks ready to do just that.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
State of the Union
Apparently the State of the Union is that the union is not big enough. That is, every solution proposed in SOTU was a government solution.
More investment. Read sending tax money to connected cronies.
Higher minimum wage, because the answer to unemployment is making it more expensive to employ low skilled workers.
More regulation to save us from the horrors of global warming when temperatures have been stable for more than a decade.
Even when the President credited private sector successes like the oil sector, he neglected to mention them as private sector successes and instead implied they were the end product of government policy.
Instead of focusing on new ways to regulate our economy and the individual citizens, we should be freeing the creative forces that make this country great. Instead of praising a lowered unemployment rate - ignoring the fact that it comes from people leaving the job market and not more people finding jobs - while attacking the successful, we should help the successful create more jobs.
The state of our union is bruised and battered. But we are not out of fight.
More investment. Read sending tax money to connected cronies.
Higher minimum wage, because the answer to unemployment is making it more expensive to employ low skilled workers.
More regulation to save us from the horrors of global warming when temperatures have been stable for more than a decade.
Even when the President credited private sector successes like the oil sector, he neglected to mention them as private sector successes and instead implied they were the end product of government policy.
Instead of focusing on new ways to regulate our economy and the individual citizens, we should be freeing the creative forces that make this country great. Instead of praising a lowered unemployment rate - ignoring the fact that it comes from people leaving the job market and not more people finding jobs - while attacking the successful, we should help the successful create more jobs.
The state of our union is bruised and battered. But we are not out of fight.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
The real Chris Christie
I'm an unapologetic conservative. I recognize that someone like Chris Christie is the best we can get in New Jersey. But that doesn't mean I want him as a Republican standard bearer.
More than his weakness on gun rights or gay marriage, it was video of him mouthing off to a guy on the street when it was clear Christie had bodyguards backing him up. It doesn't take much guts to be tough when you have muscle. I'd liked the brash, straight talking Christie. In the end, this guys was just a big talking bully.
He's the Republican version of Bill Clinton. His main policy concern is getting elected and doing what's right for Christie. That's why one of the most dangerous places in the world to be is between Christie and TV cameras if there's an opportunity for him to violate Reagan's 11th Commandment and attack other conservatives like Rand Paul.
Luckily, the thuggish nature of the Governor is showing itself in how his aides shut down traffic to punish a mayor who refused to kiss the ring. School kids were trapped in gridlock. So were emergency vehicles. An elderly woman died.
Even if Christie did not order the action, he fostered the climate. After all, his temper is not simply legend but his trademark. What aide in his right mind would pull that kind of trick if he thought Christie would blow up?
No, this is just how they get business done.
We've seen the Chicago way with Barack Obama. Imagine Christie's Jersey way. Imagine the damage a statist like him could do, especially if he has a GOP House and Senate. Remember that before Obamacare, the biggest entitlement expansion since LBJ came from GWB.
I think conservatives need guts. They need to be willing to fight in the street. Playing the civility game doesn't do much for us.
But we need the right fighter.
Christie ain't it.
More than his weakness on gun rights or gay marriage, it was video of him mouthing off to a guy on the street when it was clear Christie had bodyguards backing him up. It doesn't take much guts to be tough when you have muscle. I'd liked the brash, straight talking Christie. In the end, this guys was just a big talking bully.
He's the Republican version of Bill Clinton. His main policy concern is getting elected and doing what's right for Christie. That's why one of the most dangerous places in the world to be is between Christie and TV cameras if there's an opportunity for him to violate Reagan's 11th Commandment and attack other conservatives like Rand Paul.
Luckily, the thuggish nature of the Governor is showing itself in how his aides shut down traffic to punish a mayor who refused to kiss the ring. School kids were trapped in gridlock. So were emergency vehicles. An elderly woman died.
Even if Christie did not order the action, he fostered the climate. After all, his temper is not simply legend but his trademark. What aide in his right mind would pull that kind of trick if he thought Christie would blow up?
No, this is just how they get business done.
We've seen the Chicago way with Barack Obama. Imagine Christie's Jersey way. Imagine the damage a statist like him could do, especially if he has a GOP House and Senate. Remember that before Obamacare, the biggest entitlement expansion since LBJ came from GWB.
I think conservatives need guts. They need to be willing to fight in the street. Playing the civility game doesn't do much for us.
But we need the right fighter.
Christie ain't it.
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Hangover 3
I watched the Hangover 3 this week. Some people panned it as the worst of the trilogy but I beg to differ. They couldn't do the same thing again. Another bachelor party for these guys would have us thinking the same thing: are these guys as stupid as the teenagers who go to the haunted lake after the fourth or fifth massacre that occurred there?
So they went a different direction and pulled some things together in a good kind of way.
Plus it's guy humor my gal can enjoy. That's priceless.
So they went a different direction and pulled some things together in a good kind of way.
Plus it's guy humor my gal can enjoy. That's priceless.
Global warming? Or hoax warning?
So what happens if a bunch of "global warming researchers" get trapped in Arctic ice, after Al Gore famously predicted that no such ice would exist by this point in time?A deafening silence from the global media.
When evangelical Christians make end time predictions, the media waits with baited breath for the prophecy to be proven wrong. When a politician who has made billions off junk science gets egg on his face, it's not a story.
It's this kind of thing, along with 15 years of temperatures not rising, that lends evidence to the notion the issue isn't global temperature but political control. Or is it simply coincidence that every solution to this "crisis" is more control of our personal and economic lives?
When evangelical Christians make end time predictions, the media waits with baited breath for the prophecy to be proven wrong. When a politician who has made billions off junk science gets egg on his face, it's not a story.
It's this kind of thing, along with 15 years of temperatures not rising, that lends evidence to the notion the issue isn't global temperature but political control. Or is it simply coincidence that every solution to this "crisis" is more control of our personal and economic lives?
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